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Risk Management In Microfinance Banks

The primary goal of this risk management course is to introduce you to the risk management framework for microfinance banks. By the end of this course you will know and understand how to properly manage risk even when you are setting up your own business.

201 students enrolled


This risk management in microfinance banks course provides an overview of risk management as it applies to microfinance bank operations. It also discusses the various types of risk, dangers associated with each and methods for managing the various risk. The purpose of this Risk Management course is to introduce participants to real life practical experience of risk management. By the end of this course, participants will know how to apply practicality to their day-to-day experience as risk manager or holders of similar position. By the end of the post-training assessment, participants would have become more confident in themselves as risk manager.
Although the training is designed for risk officers in Microfinance Banks, skills acquired are transferable and would be useful to someone who seek to work as risk officers in a different industry.

Main Features

  • One on one communication tutor
  • Detailed materials
  • Structured course written by experienced industry practitioners
  • Structured content that meet the needs of the industry
  • Assessment after course completion
  • Continuous mentoring by tutor

Target audience

Risk Management In Microfinance Bank course is ideally suited to the needs and aspirations of risk managers who are either new or professionals alike in the microfinance industry. You will gain a wider understanding of the relevant tools used to mitigate risks in the sector while having an edge against your peers in terms of career progression and opportunities. All this as a result of quality knowledge gain from taking this course.

Risk Management In Microfinance Banks course provides a practical approach to managing portfolio while gaining adequate ideas, skills and techniques needed to perform as microfinance practitioner.

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Risk Management In Microfinance Banks